Yoo Law Group, LLC

Mental Health and Divorce Disputes: Integrating Litigation and Mediation

On January 22, 2025, the AABANY Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Committee held a CLE event...

KCC 한인동포회관- 2025년 법률 상담 (이민법/이혼조정 상담)

Rachel J. Yoo 변호사님께서 2025년 한해 동안 뉴저지 한인동포회관에서 매월 첫째주 토요일 오전 한인 동포를 위한 이민법/가정법...

Fee Dispute Arbitration Training-Certificate of Completion (NY County Lawyers Association)


How can a mental health expert assist lawyers and mediators in resolving family or matrimonial...

NY Lemon Law Arbitration certificate (NYSDRA)


Rachel Yoo is a Member of New York State Council on Divorce Mediation (NYSCDM)

Yoo Law Group announces the expansion of its New York offices with the addition of a family law attorney and intern.


Rachel Ji-Young Yoo, Esq is qualified as a court mediator by being completed Long Island Dispute Resolution Center apprenticeship

How to thrive as an Immigrant Lawyer


In-person lectures at Sookmyung Women’s University, College of Law, in Seoul of South Korea